
Business Intelligence & Analytics

Data Management

Cloud Engineering

IT Consulting

Managed Services

Pengwino Technologies

Pengwino llc is a leading provider of technology solutions and services. With over two–and–half decades of experience, we enable our clients gain competitive advantage and superior business outcomes through cutting-edge, data-driven, analytical digital transformation solutions.

Our Services


Business Intelligence & Analytics

From insights to intelligence: leverage data analytics to power competitive advantage.

Cloud Engineering

Trinus brings a systematic approach to the commercialization, standardization and governance of cloud computing applications.

Managed Services

Offload IT operations management to improve agility and competitiveness.




Data Management

As data continues to expand at an unprecedented pace in a digital world.

IT Consulting

Trinus offers web and mobile development services that have the power to transform your organization.


Trinus is recruiting, selecting, employing, training, and retaining the best workforce for the organisation.